Tooth Decay Treatment Cost: How Much Should I Prepare?

tooth decay treatment cost

The main reason you are reading this article is that you are suffering from tooth decay and you are looking for ways to remedy them and still be within your budget. However, there is no exact tooth decay treatment cost that you can see online. Why? Because the cost that you pay would all depend on how mild or severe your cavities are. However, here are some options that we can show you on how dentists treat tooth decay and give you a rough estimation of how much tooth decay treatment cost would take.

What is the best way to avoid high tooth decay treatment cost?

tooth decay treatmentsNo one wants to spend so much money just to correct cavities, right? You would want to know what you can do to avoid wasting money on your teeth? What would be better than to prevent tooth decay in the first place! Besides practicing good oral hygiene, we advise that you and your child visit the dentist at least twice a year for routine checkups and cleanings, which ultimately keep the cost of tooth decay treatment way down.


Tooth decay treatment cost

There are many kinds of dental management procedures that can aid in repairing, replacing, or reversing the effects of cavities-turned tooth decay. Each treatment option differs in cost, and it depends on which tooth is affected and decaying, how many teeth are involved, the kind of treatment required, the procedure materials used, your chosen payment method, and additional services.

We understand why the cost of a treatment option is a very important factor in choosing your way to a better dental health. We all know how expensive are dental procedures and treatments are nowadays, and as the dental care crisis grows more every year, knowing your options could save you more money over time.


Options for Tooth Decay Treatment and their Costs

As mentioned earlier, tooth decay treatment cost varies widely. It depends on how damaged you or your child’s teeth are, your preferred or recommended treatment option, the number of visits it takes to complete the procedure, and the payment type. Consulting your family dentist is the best way to have an idea about what tooth decay treatment option would fit your needs and how much it would cost you.

Here is an informational list of several tooth decay treatments and their typical price ranges:


Dental fillings ($50 to $300)

Dental fillings help restore a tooth damaged by cavities that cause tooth decay. Dentists use fillings to remodel your tooth with materials like amalgam, gold, silver, porcelain, or composite resin so it functions normally. The type of filling material you will prefer can greatly have an effect on the cost of the procedure.

Dental bonding ($90 to $450)

Dental bonding applies a tooth-colored resin material to “bond” with a decayed area using adhesives and high-intensity light. For slightly chipped teeth, this procedure keeps decay from speeding up, cosmetically transforms a discolored tooth or fills a gap.

Crowns ($500 to $8,000)

dental crowns for tooth decay treatmentDental crowns are fixed prosthetic caps placed on damaged teeth to restore their original shape and function. Like fillings, dental crowns are cemented permanently on the teeth that may have had some chipping, fracture, or cracks due to tooth decay or trauma. Crowns can be fabricated using several different materials and each would cost differently as well. You can choose from porcelain ($800 to $3,000), metal ($600 to $2,500), or a combination of porcelain merged to metal ($500 to $1,500).

Root canal treatment ($300 to $2,000)

Root canal treatment is a procedure that scrapes off the insides of the tooth called pulp once it gets infected by bacteria. The procedure aims to save the teeth and prevent them from getting damaged by the infection.  The procedure flushes out the rotting flesh which includes the nerves and blood vessels inside the pulp left from tooth decay and rot. Root canals are very complicated and need anesthesia, imaging, and several follow-ups with the endodontist. Root canal treatment costs vary , and it all depends on which tooth needs removal: Front tooth ($300 to $1,500); Bicuspid ($400 to $1,800); Molar ($500 to $2,000).

Dentists would recommend that after a root canal treatment, crowns may be required to complete the reshaping and restoration of the tooth. This recommendation may affect the cost and make it more expensive.

Tooth extractions ($75 to $3,000)

Sometimes, when the decay is severe enough that no other treatment can salvage the tooth, extraction is the best way to go. Tooth extraction is simply the removal of a decayed tooth from the socket. There are three kinds of extraction that differ in cost: nonsurgical ($75 to $300); surgical ($150 to $650); and impacted third molars ($75 to $3,000 per set of four).

Fluoride treatment ($0 to $50)

dental consultation to prevent tooth decayThis procedure may not be a restorative treatment per se, but it could also be categorized as a preventative measure. Fluoride application and treatments are the most cost-effective form of tooth decay treatment. Dentists typically perform this treatment during routine dental consultations. Fluoride applications are effective in reversing the early signs of tooth decay by making your teeth resistant to acid.


We hope that with these bits of basic information that we provided you about different tooth decay treatment cost and procedures, you were able to decide which procedure looks applicable for your condition that would also fit your budget. We would like to reiterate that these are just rough estimates of the cost, and it would all depend on your needs and your dentist’s expertise. It is best to seek their opinion to know the accurate breakdown of costs it would take to restore your radiant smile and healthy teeth.

Moreover, if, by chance, your cavities are still in their mild stages that reversing it is still possible, do not hesitate to consult your dentist. He is knowledgeable enough to know what to do so you can prevent making the damage worse.  By doing so, you can also avoid spending large amounts of money just to treat them in the long run.


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